Creativity Takes Courage and Time

My main problem is time management; there I said it. I waste time or I get caught up in something and an entire day can just escape me. But I do it on purpose, I can purposely waste my entire day to avoid doing things. Whether it be chores or something I am dreading.
Creativity takes courage, courage that I no longer have. I look at a blank sheet paper and I am filled with dread. I still love to create stories in my head but I'm no longer able to write them down. I have tons of empty notebooks that I would love to write in. I just can't bring myself to do it. I feel useless and fearful. But I don't know what I'm afraid of. I used to write for me and me alone. But now I don't know if I've just become indifferent and I no longer care or if I'm actually just really afraid.
Creativity takes courage, courage that I want back! I don't enjoy feeling this way. I used to love and embrace the things that made me different, my creativity was a cornerstone of that. But now I feel, well, basic.
I talked to my boyfriend last night about how I basically feel like garbage and he told me to take a few days and think long and hard about what I'm passionate about. I like a lot of things, but right now nothing stirs passion.
How do you stay motivated? How do you maintain your courage? What stirs your passion?


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